3 Key Steps To Immediately Create Color Harmony In Your Paintings
We were honored to host Skip Whitcomb on a webinar training. It was an eye-opening presentation on practical color theories. Skip shows many different examples and how to handle - Complimentary Arrangements, Double Compliments, Triads. At the end of the presentation, there is a Q&A session with Skip covering more great insights and tips you definitely don’t want to miss! He holds nothing back and this was such a treat coming from a remarkable artist of notoriety.
3 Key Steps To Improve Your Water Paintings
Take a peek at this exciting replay of Len Chmiel's live webinar training we were honored to host. He explains key steps to follow and look out for when trying to paint water into your landscapes. He shows many different examples and how to handle each one. At the end of the presentation, there is a Q&A session that covers great insights and tips from Len. He tells all, and what a treat coming from a remarkable artist of notoriety.
How to Combine Photographs for Your Paintings
We would like to share a replay of Huihan Liu’s live webinar we were honored to host. He explains his process of how to create a painting by combining several photo references into a finished piece of art. At the end of the presentation, there is a Q&A session that covers great insights and tips from Huihan that you may enjoy trying in your own paintings.
3 Key Steps to Establishing a Strong Painting
Come watch Mitch Baird’s webinar replay covering an art lesson on “3 Key Steps to Establishing a Strong Painting”. Mitch shows you a recent outdoor painting, along with his photo reference, and how he combines them both to make a large studio painting. At the end of the presentation, there is a Q&A session with Mitch where he gives away some personal insights and art tips that you may enjoy trying in your own paintings.